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May 01, 2024

Jackson Care Professional of the Quarter - Q1 2024

Written By: Home Instead Jackson
Jesslyn Jackson CP of the Quarter

Jesslyn- Care Professional of the Quarter Jackson

Jesslyn began working with Home Instead in 2022 after being a stay-at-home mom for 12 years. Jesslyn is a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day and helps brighten the spirit of those she works with! Jesslyn does an outstanding job helping her clients with their day-to-day lives. With her experience in dementia, she helps keep people home and safe as long as possible. I was lucky to present her award on her birthday, and made her promise to spend her prize money on herself as a treat. She has assured us that she got more overalls as she absolutely loves them! Happy Belated Birthday Jesslyn and thank you for all your hard work!

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