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Louisville KY (Change Location)

Apr 13, 2022

Key Player Core Value Award - March 2022

Written By: Home Instead of Louisville
Melissa Roark Key Player Core Value Award - March 2022

March 2022 Key Player Core Value Award - Melissa Roark

Melissa affectionately known as our Receptionist Extraordinaire! She joined our team two years ago and has been positively impacting our clients and employees since.

Melissa brings a flair to her position by sharing her love for God and his people on a day-to-day basis. When she is not working, she enjoys reading and spending quality time with her children. Every month, Melissa is nominated for Key Player of the Month by more than one of her peers; she is deserving of this award every month.

The core value for March was to Honor God in All We Do!  She is kind to everyone she meets and treats everyone with dignity and respect. Often, she starts our day with motivational quotes, sometimes from the Bible and sometimes from other resources. Her quotes start our days off with positive energy and a desire to be the best we can be daily. Though her position becomes challenging with the constant incoming calls and people approaching her all throughout the day, she takes it all in stride. She never allows the hustle and bustle of the day to frazzle her spirit. She is bubbly and passionate about her position, and it shows!

Melissa “believes in our company just as much as she believes in God!” She not only shares herself with our team, but she openly shares her love and passion for people with anyone she encounters. She is a strong asset to our team and our business. It speaks volumes that the first person that people see when they arrive is someone that is bubbly, happy to be here and shares that excitement with the world. Melissa is a complete joy to be around. She is appreciated and loved and truly a Receptionist Extraordinaire!

All Home Instead CAREGivers are screened, trained, bonded and insured. For inquiries about employment, please call (502) 515-9515 or apply online. For further information about Home Instead, visit our website.

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