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Apr 03, 2024

Understanding Parkinson’s Disease

Aging man holds railing and cane while standing on front step of his home

Live chat with expert: Gail Gitin

There is a growing number of cases of Parkinson’s Disease (PD). With the progression of PD, care and support is typically needed at home. It’s critical for care partners to understand symptoms and how care needs will evolve to best support their loved one. Join Dr. Lakelyn Eichenberger, Home Instead gerontologist and caregiver advocate, as she talks with Gail Gitin, an Ambassador for the Davis Phinney Foundation, to learn more about:

  • Parkinson’s disease and related symptoms
  • Common challenges of living with PD
  • How to live well and remain independent with PD
  • Caregiving tips, resources, and support services

The Davis Phinney Foundation was founded by Olympic cyclist Davis Phinney in 2004 to help people with Parkinson’s live well today. The organization’s focus is to provide programs, early-stage research, and resources that offer inspiration, information and tools that enable people living with Parkinson’s to take action that can immediately improve their quality of life.

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Gail Gitin

Gail Gitin cared for her husband Gene who lived with Parkinson’s Disease for more than 15 years. The road to understanding Gene’s movement and mobility challenges was long – taking many attempts to officially receive Gene’s PD diagnosis from a movement disorder specialist. The diagnosis gave them answers and they began their journey to live well with Parkinson’s. The Davis Phinney Foundation has made a significant impact on Gail, her husband, and her community. The couple used the Foundation’s support groups, exercise classes, and lectures to increase their understanding of Parkinson’s and improve their quality of life.

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