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Feb 18, 2021

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Picking Senior Home Care Services

home instead provides a variety of care services for older adults

The U.S. population demography continues to shift rapidly as the nation grapples with 'grey tsunami' realities. According to the Census Bureau, over 10,000 baby boomers are turning sixty-five daily. 90% of these seniors prefer to stay at home as they age.

It can be challenging to watch your parents struggle with the basic activities of daily living. No matter how much you love them, you cannot do it alone. Most families avoid caregiver burnout by enlisting senior home care services. Without the right information at hand, it can be easy to get stuck with the wrong elderly care service for your loved one. Here are five mistakes to avoid during the hiring process.

1. Waiting for Too Long

Most families struggle with caregiver guilt, often postponing the discussion about in-home care. As your loved one grows older, their care demands will increase, often overwhelming the primary caregiver. Studies have shown that picking up senior home care services early enough may improve their physical and psychological well-being. The longer you wait, the harder it would be to manage their deteriorating health. You also run the risk of hiring a low-quality Phoenix home care service through hasty decisions.

2. Failing to Involve the Senior or Other Family Members

Most seniors say that freedom and independence are their main reasons for aging in place. Organizing for a secondary caregiver without your parent's involvement may be counterproductive. Have an open and candid discussion with them on the kind of caregiver that they would prefer. Keeping other family members out in the cold may also lead to unnecessary tensions. Let everyone be in the loop to reduce any frictions when choosing the right senior home care services.

3. Carrying Out Inadequate Research

That being said, you do not have to rush through the decision. Take time to do your homework on the different in-home senior care options around you. Do you wish to work with an agency or an individual caregiver? Does the senior home care service have the requisite licensing and credentials? What's their standing with the local State Survey Agency? What services and level of care do they offer? What background checks does the office run? Finding out answers to these questions can give you an inkling on whether to hire the caregiver or not.

4. Only Focusing on the Cost

The safety and security of your loved one ought to be your priority. A low-cost home care agency may limit you on the types of services offered, making your parent miss out on care services necessary for their well-being. However, it is vital to find senior home care services that fit within your budget limits. Instead of focusing on one factor, have a broader look at the qualifications, level of care, and trustworthiness before making your decision.

5. Not Establishing Roles and Expectations

It is essential for you as a primary caregiver to remain actively involved. You may need to draft expectations and roles for the new secondary caregiver. You can quickly achieve it through an in-home interview. It allows your parent to meet the new caregiver and see if they are the right fit for them.

Senior home care services are vital to looking after the ballooning older generation. Avoiding the five pitfalls above can get your loved one the right level of care. Contact Home Instead to learn more about how you can look after your parent.

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