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CAREGiver providing in-home senior care services. Home Instead of Louisville, CO provides Elder Care to aging adults.

Care Professional of the Month

At Home Instead®, our success revolves around our Care Professionals – and we know it! We celebrate and recognize Care Pros each month with our Care Professional of the Month Award.  These caregivers demonstrate each day their commitment to enhancing the lives of seniors in our community and we are forever grateful for their efforts.
Our Caregivers
Our Care Professionals of the Month
Caregiver Rebecca L and her client

July, 2024 - Rebecca

For Home Instead® Care Professional of the Month Rebecca Ludington, every day with Mr. D., a beloved client, was an adventure. “It truly was,” said Rebecca, whose client had late-stage dementia but was a bubbly personality who was a such a creative soul. “I have loved each client with all my heart, but Mr. D. was so much fun.”

Rebecca recalled a few of their adventures:

  • “We raced the halls ‘avoiding poison gas,’ and he’d tell me where it was safe to take a break and let the poison pass.”
  • “We ‘escaped floods,’ and turned his bed into a ‘boat’ so we could ‘safely float away.’ ”
  • During one shift, Mr. D. dressed up as the fictional Carl Fredricksen, a 78-year-old balloon salesman who is the primary character in the 2009 animated movie “Up.”
  • “During my last shift with Mr. D., we spent the time planning how to ‘break out’ of the facility. There was never a dull moment with him, and shifts just flew by.”


Care Professional Rachael Sprinkle

June 2024 - Rachael

Rachael Sprinkle had fashioned a successful 21-year career in child care, earning her Early Childhood Education and Teaching Director’s state certification and serving as a director at one Denver-area child-care center for 13 years. “At age 15,” Rachael said, “I started in my church nursery and just went from there in the child-care and preschool field.”

In November 2023, Rachael decided to pursue a second job to supplement the salary from her full-time management position at a child-care center. “My father and stepmother had worked for Home Instead®, so I thought I would give it a try as a part-time Care Professional,” recalled Rachael, who joined owner Michael Lammers’ award-winning Home Instead franchise of Boulder, Broomfield and northwest Adams Counties. The office is in Louisville.

Home Instead Recruitment and Engagement Coordinator Brenda Munro immediately took notice of Rachael’s winsome ways with the clients and their families. Rachael was a natural at senior care, a wonderful, compassionate addition. “After working for a couple of months as a part-time Care Pro, Rachael made the move from child care to senior care full time in mid-January. She works five overnight shifts a week with the same client and does a great job. The client’s wife said she and her husband love Rachael and would be lost without her,” Brenda explained.

Rachael improvises well and has met unexpected challenges with patience, empathy and humor.

Caregiver Linda Pido Duenas

May 2024 - Linda

An end-of-life caregiving situation proved to be another measuring stick for twice-honored Home Instead® Care Professional of the Month Linda Pido Duenas’s compassionate heart and professional senior-care skills. It was a test that Linda passed with flying colors.

Linda arrived at Ms. B.’s home at 7 p.m. to begin a 12-hour shift. Little did Linda know that the hospice client would pass away before the end of the shift. Minutes after she walked in, Linda assessed the situation and mentally prepared for what would be an emotionally difficult night.

“When I arrived, she was unresponsive,” Linda recalled. “She had a loving daughter and son-in-law, and they told me the situation. I understood their feelings. What has remained in my heart were their words that ‘Heaven is waiting for her.’ I said, ‘Yes,’ and the couple went to bed after her daughter had administered her mother’s comfort meds. I emphasized I would be with the client every minute. I did what I know she needed. I made her comfortable, wiped her lips, swabbed them and applied ChapStick.”

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April, 2024 - Octavio

April honoree Octavio Rodriguez unquestionably deserved his title of Care Professional of the Month at the award-winning Home Instead® franchise of Boulder, Broomfield and northwest Adams Counties. Octavio’s successful work amid unusually difficult and complex challenges “has flown under the radar” because of the need for confidentiality.

Home Instead Recruitment and Engagement Coordinator Brenda Munro said: “It’s a touchy situation, and I wish we could explain exactly why Octavio has been honored. But suffice it to say that our entire staff has been in awe of Octavio’s utmost professionalism, patience, compassion, empathy and skill. The husband and wife clients have truly benefited from Octavio’s ceaseless desire to help them.”

Brenda added: “Dementia was a factor with one of the seniors, but so many more aspects were involved, including involvement with several other entities. Octavio was the glue that kept things together. It is a super sad story, perhaps a situation in which few other senior-care workers would have continued. It has been stressful, to say the least, but Octavio did a wonderful job.”

Home Instead Caregiver Jean Ringwalt

March 2024, Jean

Care Professional of the Month Jean Ringwalt has been soaring since joining Home Instead® of Boulder, Broomfield and northwest Adams Counties about a year ago. “Soaring” is an appropriate metaphor because Jean previously had enjoyed a successful 10-year career as a corporate pilot and also taught aviation basics to young students in Kenya.

Using a different turn of a phrase, Home Instead Recruitment and Engagement Coordinator Brenda Munro said: “Jean started with a bang at our Home Instead franchise, and she has been successful with each and every client. Jean is dependable, having never missed a shift and having never been late, and she often gets compliments from clients and their family members.”

In addition to praising Jean’s skillful and compassionate work with Home Instead’s clients, Brenda also pointed out Jean’s unique résumé. Brenda said, “I remember thinking, ‘What an interesting background Jean has had! It spans from being a pilot to working with autistic children while using equine therapy to several instructional stints in Africa.”

Caregiver Tom Lierman

February , 2024-Tom

Care Professional of the Month Tom Lierman has been a great success with Home Instead® of Louisville, Colorado, which isn’t surprising because he already had been a success as a Registered Behavioral Therapist (RBT) while helping autistic children, including his daughter.

Tom formerly worked for a Longmont clinic, which required its employees to have their RBT certification to provide therapy for children who are on the autism spectrum. Tom explained: “I homeschooled my daughter for the first eight years of school. Being an RBT helped me understand my daughter’s challenges to be more successful with homeschooling.”

As his daughter’s full-time family caregiver, Tom worked with many different therapists at Children’s Hospital, including those in the fields of physical, occupational, speech, sensory, eating, social interaction and life skills. By doing so, Tom learned his daughter’s needs and worked on her therapies through the week when she was not receiving professional therapy. “My daughter is 18, is thriving and will graduate high school this year,” Tom said. “She is considered high-functioning autistic. She has worked so hard to develop all of the necessary life skills and lessons that you would not know she’s autistic. I’m so very proud of her!”

Brenda Stifel, Caregiver

January, 2024-Brenda

Compassion, empathy and skilled caregiving have been a part of Minnesota native Brenda Stifel’s personality since she was old enough to walk and talk. You might say the size of Brenda’s heart rivals that of the legendary Paul Bunyan.

“Growing up,” Brenda explained, “my family was a foster family for special-needs kids. We had as many as three at a time, and it took the entire family to assist with their needs.”

Brenda also was accustomed to family caregiving for the elderly. “Both my grandfather and uncle died of cancer. During their cancer battles, they lived in our family home so the family could assist them with their care needs,” Brenda recalled. And, for a high school job, Brenda worked in the dining room of a retirement home. She said: “I enjoyed being around seniors.”

Dale Smith Caregiver

December, 2023 - Dale

When Care Professional of the Month Dale Smith took time to reflect on her journey to Home Instead®, she poignantly discussed her late aunt, who had served as a CNA for more than 30 years and was Dale’s closest friend.

“My aunt was a visiting nurse, and she got me into caregiving. She was so compassionate with others and had taken care of hundreds of people over the years. She was among my mother’s younger sisters, and we were close in age. I am so grateful to her. She taught me what to do. It turned out that this line of work felt natural to me,” said Dale, who had previously worked at different non-caregiving jobs, including ones in the corporate business world, until 2012.

That is when she entered professional caregiving as a private-duty live-in caregiver for 4½ years. Dale then worked for a home-care agency as a contractor before she joined Home Instead of Boulder, Broomfield and northwest Adams Counties in December 2019. Dale’s momentous move to caregiving wouldn’t have been possible without her late aunt’s influence.

Care Professional Becky Weisberg

November 2023-Becky

Recruitment and Engagement Coordinator Brenda Munro is in awe of the highly acclaimed Care Pro, who was selected for the first time in June 2022. Referring to Becky, Brenda said, “I don’t even know what to say about Becky, who has worked for us at Home Instead since 2016 and is the epitome of an amazing Care Pro.”

Brenda added: “Becky truly treats her clients just as if they were her own family members. All of them are so grateful for Becky, as are we in the Home Instead office. She works full time and is always willing to take extra shifts if we have a Care Pro who is out with an illness. Becky goes the extra mile for her clients and is just an outstanding Care Pro.”

Brenda first vocalized her thoughts of Becky’s consistently amazing care in June 2022, when Becky’s first award was announced. Brenda said then: “In my short time with Home Instead, Becky was the first Care Pro I had met in person. Around Christmas 2021, she brought in one of her clients to pick up their gifts. I remember saying to the team, ‘Wow, do all of our Care Pros love their clients as much as Becky does?’ It looked like Becky was with her grandmother because Becky was so doting and loving.”

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October 2023 - Maeve

Care Professional of the Month Maeve Tometra is a miracle worker.

The staff at Home Instead® of Boulder, Broomfield and northwest Adams Counties is eager to testify to that fact. “Maeve stepped in and literally saved the client. Maeve is humble about it, but we firmly believed she performed a miracle,” Client Care Coordinator Stojanka Mikulic said. Recruitment and Engagement Coordinator Brenda Munro offered: “There’s a big story concerning Maeve, a really big one.”

Stojanka explained: “The client, a bachelor who lived alone, had undergone a massive weight loss and was seldom eating or drinking because he did not have an appetite or thirst. He had all kinds of medical issues, including dehydration. Maeve is an amazing Care Pro who knows so much about all aspects of caregiving because she has been a nurse for a number of years. She really helped him when no one else could. Maeve put in overtime to make sure the client was improving and had a clean environment. The client was saying, ‘Somebody please help me.’ Maeve has a sweetheart for a client.”

Alise Trujillo

September 2023 - Alise

It has been 2½ years since Alise Trujillo was first selected in March 2021 as a Care Professional of the Month at owner Michael Lammers’ award-winning Home Instead® franchise of Boulder, Broomfield and northwest Adams Counties based in Louisville, Colorado. Now she is a two-time honoree.

In some ways, not much has changed for Alise, who was selected as the office’s Care Pro of the Month for September 2023. Alise’s consistent, compassionate and highly skilled work hasn’t deviated one inch from her firmly dedicated trajectory that began in March 2020 when she joined Home Instead. But in other ways, Alise’s life has undergone a major transformation.

“In January 2022,” Alise said, “I started dating a man named Sergio who I later found out was perfect for me in every facet. He has been deployed since December 2022, and he will be home in October 2023! I just couldn’t be happier to be reunited with the love of my life. It has been a very long 10 months without him by my side, especially enduring the sadness of our profession.”

Care Pro of the Month Claire DeVito

August, 2023 - Claire

Claire DeVitto’s journey to the Home Instead® franchise of Boulder, Broomfield and northwest Adams Counties began thousands of miles away and more than 20 years ago. The Home Instead Care Professional of the Month enrolled for a nursing program in 2002 after taking care of her mother-in-law who had pancreatic cancer in 2000. “My mother-in-law encouraged me to pursue my dream of earning my nurse’s diploma and leave my 25-year computer programming career behind,” the United Kingdom native explained.

“I had started nurse training when I left school in South Africa but did not complete it, so it was something to which I had always wanted to return. I qualified for nurse training again in 2005 and completed my Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) in 2007 in England. I worked in women’s health and moved into orthopedic outpatients until I retired in 2016,” Claire said.

“Caring for patients was always something I enjoyed. As a fulltime working mother of three, I have always kept busy. My children now live in Canada, New Zealand and here. With six grandchildren among them, I love to travel to see them regularly. I also love to visit my mum in the United Kingdom. She lives near my sister.”