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Oct 12, 2021

Ways to Enhance the Quality of Life for Your Elderly Loved One

senior man and younger woman smile while reviewing photo album

As your loved one ages, their life can begin to change drastically. This can sometimes become a struggle for them to deal with, especially if they begin to lose their mobility.

Losing mobility will make their home a serious hazard to their wellbeing. Therefore, helping to improve aging loved one’s quality of life will allow them to become more independent and safer.

In-home care for seniors can assist with the life changes your loved one is experiencing.  A qualified team member will evaluate the situation to formulate a plan that works best for the patient and their family.

Ways to Improve your loved one’s life

  • Incorporating daily activities such as exercise can be as simple as a walk around the block or sit-down aerobics. A little goes a long way and will benefit their overall health. Here are some easy workouts seniors can do right from the comfort of their homes.
  • In-home care. This helps elderly adults to remain as independent as they can for as long as they can. It also gives the family peace of mind knowing their loved one is being cared for.
  • Making sure your loved one has regular visitors will help to prevent loneliness which usually leads to depression.
  • Upgrades to the home. Installing upgrades to make your aging senior’s home safer could help avert accidents. Considering upgrades such as walk-in tubs and showers, safety handles, or stairlifts can make a big difference to their independence. Also, check out our fall prevention tips!

Most aging adults would prefer to remain in their homes, the place they feel the most comfortable and safe in. Hiring a professional in-home care service for seniors would be wise and beneficial to their physical and emotional state.

In-home senior care benefits

  • Remain independent. Patients will receive the care they need while in their home, no matter how great their need is. This allows them to feel independent.
  • Support for treatment. Family and friends might assist with treatment, such as administering medication, diet, and physical or occupational therapy.
  • Staying connected. Since in-home care does not restrict visiting, senior adults will feel more connected to their family and friends with a more relaxed environment.
  • Comfort of home. Research has shown that seniors stay healthier and have a better quality of life when they are able to be cared for in the comfort of their own homes.
  • High morale. An aging senior’s spirit is usually higher when they can be cared for in their own home. This decreases depression and allows for a better chance for long-term success.

As children grow up and move away and their senior loved one retires, sometimes the quality of their life will decrease. How families and friends perceive and value their elderly loved one and how their elderly loved one perceives themselves has a major impact on their physical and emotional health.

Studies have shown that seniors with a sense of purpose are less susceptible to cognitive impairment, heart attacks, and stroke. Since they are more active, they are likely to live longer and take better care of themselves. They are also less prone to stress. In short, problems related to aging increase if they feel less important in people’s lives.

To appreciate the value of a healthy lifestyle as aging adults, we need to acknowledge the changes that occur within us. Physically our bodies are not as energetic as they once were. Emotionally we struggle with the loss of loved ones, our careers, and sometimes our independence. Regardless of these changes, a gratifying quality of life can still exist for senior adults.

Things to remember as your loved one ages: 

  • Find a sense of purpose.
  • You are what you eat.
  • Stay active and find usefulness in daily tasks.
  • Exercise the brain.
  • Make connections and stay positive.
  • Get adequate sleep.
  • Prevention is better than cure.

There are numerous reasons an in-home care professional service would benefit your senior loved one as well as you. If you are trying to determine if this is the right choice to consider, contact us today at 337-295-7990.

Home Instead is in the Lafayette, La area and can provide aid and companionship to your aging family member. We are qualified to help with daily tasks and provide any medical care that might be needed. Help is just a phone call away.

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