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Dec 29, 2020

CAREGiver of the Month - December 2020

Written By: Home Instead
 237 Geralda and Pamela Dec Spotlight

Meet this dynamic duo that have been selected for the Nashville December Client and Professional CAREGiver Spotlight December 2020.  Ms. Geralda Z. moved to Nashville from Russia with her husband Yury and their two children many years ago.  When Geralda recognized that she had the need for some help around the home, she said she thought of Home Instead immediately!  She remembered the name of CAREGivers that she loved and just how kind and helpful they were in the past, when Home Instead had assisted Yury her husband before his passing.  Ms. Geralda and her regular CAREGiver Pamela work so well together because they are always able to find something to do.   They love to walk outside in the mornings to stay active but if it is too cold, they will find an activity to do inside-like making the beautiful Christmas wreath you see pictured.  Recently Geralda has been placed into an arm sling, and even now they find a way to work with whatever ability she has, to make the most of the day.  When we first reconnected with Ms. Geralda, she said something she was most looking forward to again was getting to cook with the CAREGivers and making some recipes that she had a hard time preparing with all the cutting and chopping.  Cooking healthy meals is important to both Geralda and Pamela.  They go shopping to get the freshest ingredients they can. They truly do make a day of it.  Mrs. Geralda has said many times; “I just don’t know what I would do without Pamela. She is great at all the things I need.”  We are so happy to have Pamela available for Geralda and are happy to see the bond the two have built Sharing Their Hearts with one another.

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