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Jun 01, 2022

How to Talk to Your Loved One About In Home Care Services

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America's population includes a significant number of seniors. Every year, the number of seniors increases, with the Population Bureau forecasting that by 2060, the senior population will have doubled, with about 100 million Americans aged 65 or more. Many seniors usually reach the age where they can no longer care for themselves, placing the onus on their children and close family to devise a suitable care plan. In such instances, in home care services are appropriate, but convincing a senior to move into an in-home care facility can be tricky. If you're in such a situation, here are tips on how to talk to them about in home care services.

Focus on the Positives

Some seniors are opposed to in-home care because they believe it takes away their independence and freedom. On the other hand, home care may provide seniors with greater freedom and a chance to enjoy themselves, allowing them to feel more independent. Home care strikes a good balance between giving much-needed support and maintaining their existing standard of living. Keep these two benefits in mind when discussing home care with your loved ones: greater independence and a better quality of life.

Show Understanding

If your loved one tries to dispute with you, don't be startled. Try not to lose your temper and understand that upending someone's life can affect everyone differently. Be as empathetic as possible. In home care services translate to giving up autonomy for many seniors, at least in their initial perception. Make it apparent that you understand their viewpoint, and instead of arguing, attempt to listen.

Try it Out

After being released from the hospital or after a fall, consider hiring an in-home caregiver for short-term respite or recovery. Hiring a caregiver temporarily lets you demonstrate to your family that needing help isn't anything to be afraid or ashamed of. It typically leads them to agree to a continuation of in-home care. If they presently rely on you or a friend as their primary caretaker or source of assistance, utilize your vacation to hire a professional caregiver while you're away.

Get Help From a Professional

Talk to your loved one's primary care physician about the problem. If they share your worry about your loved one, they will most likely assist in convincing them why in-home care is an excellent option. A primary care physician could come in handy, especially if your senior has known them for years and finds them trustworthy.

Talking to a senior about in home care services can be difficult, but approaching the conversation with an open mind can make it easier. While it may be difficult, the potential benefits of in home care for your senior are well worth the effort. Need in-home care services for your loved one? Contact us today!

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