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Culver City / Inglewood, CA (Change Location)

Apr 17, 2023

Celebrating Home Care Milestones with the Home Instead Team!

Written By: Home Instead of Culver City, CA
Celebrating Home Care Milestones with the Home Instead Team!

It's no secret that being a caregiver is a challenging job. The home care industry is a fast-paced and demanding industry, which is why we know that it is essential that we show the hardworking Care Pros and office team some much-needed acknowledgment. Thank you to everyone on the Home Instead of Culver City, CA team for consistently going above and beyond for our clients. The team decided to celebrate with a bit of cake and some even sweeter company.

As we celebrate our wins and achievements, we're reminded that every victory is the result of hard work, collaboration, and a shared sense of purpose. Our team has been completing goals and doing so while continuing to deliver the best home care in Culver City, CA. From meeting service hour goals to going above and beyond to deliver exceptional care, the Home Instead Key Player team has consistently risen to the occasion!

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