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Hammond, Ponchatoula, LaPlace (Change Location)

Mar 18, 2022

Random Acts of Kindness

Written By: Home Instead
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To fuel your kindness during this Lenten Season, check out these ideas and inspiration from our Ready to Care community members:

1. Thank a Senior
“Yesterday would have been my Dad’s 96th birthday so I secretly bought breakfast for a senior who reminds me of my dad. He was wearing a brown cowboy hat and cowboy shirt like my dad at our local early morning coffee hangout.” —Barbara

2. Check In with a Senior
“We have a local phone app called Next Door. I put up an offer to help out with running an errand or going to the store if anyone was too afraid or unable to leave their house. A 79-year-old called and needed a prescription and groceries. She now calls me every day to chat.” —Lilli

3. Make Them Feel Loved
“Yesterday my father-in-law turned 80! Our family had a small birthday party! We requested friends and family to send him cards and so far he has over 50! He was so excited!” —Piper

4. Gift the Essentials
“I have made cloth masks and delivered hand sanitizer to a number of seniors in preparation for when they will be going out again to run essentials errands.” —Trenna

5. Pray for a Senior
“I prayed for all of humanity to stay safe and sane. To live in love and light and positive thoughts. I prayed for my mother who is elderly for strength to endure this most tragic time of my sister passing from a long hard fight against lung disease during a time of chaos and isolation from family unprecedented in a time of mourning.” —Lynda

6. Offer a Helping Hand
“I walked by a neighbor’s house and was offered a cup of tea. I accepted her offer but had a hard time entering the home because dog waste had gathered. I offered to clean up and she accepted. I am now helping her as she employed me and we both have it much better.” —Christy

7. Take an Adventure
“A craft store in our area was going out of business last week so my [senior friend] and I walked around the store for over 2 hours just looking and seeing things we can make and just enjoyed the time relaxing for both of us.” —BJ

8. Go the Extra Mile
“I made two meals for a neighbor who’s struggling after a fall on ice and snow. Took him to the ER, a follow-up doctor’s appointment and listened when he was down. Just doing what my grandparents, parents and the spiritual community would have done.” —Karen

9. Assist with Grocery Shopping
“I was at Publix and noticed an elderly couple attempting to scan their groceries with difficulty. I scanned their items, took them to their car & placed them where requested. They were very grateful and so was I for them allowing me to assist.” —Jai

10. Become a Pen Pal
“Especially now, I encourage children and interested adults to write letters, draw pictures, or send cards to those people who are locked down in nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, and assisted living facilities. These people are isolated from their friends and family and oftentimes don’t even get an opportunity to talk with other residents. It’s too many hours of just sitting and staring at the same 4 walls.” —Lori

Get More Kindness Ideas
Looking for more inspiration? Ready to Care offers a variety of ways for you to give back to seniors in your area. Get started by signing up to receive weekly acts of kindness sent to your phone by text.

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