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Feb 01, 2023

Caregiver of the Month - February 2023

Written By: Home Instead of Liberty, MO
Caregiver of the Month - February 2023 hero

In light of March being the month of luck, shamrocks and celebrations – we want to highlight Care Pros who shamROCK! Care Pros who are Relationship Builders. These Care Pros build meaningful relationships with the people they work with. They can be counted on by clients, families and office staff. They understand that care starts with connection, and connection is cultivated through thoughtful relationships. And through those thoughtful relationships, trust is built. This perfectly describes Susan! She is so dedicated to her client. Susan is dependable for her shifts, is always going the extra mile and the family knows when Susan is on shift their loved one is with not only a caregiver but a friend. Susan we can't thank you enough for all your dedication and hard work!

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