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Global Brigades/Eskala®

ESKALA-LOGO-Global-Brigades-COMP.jpgIn addition to his nonprofit Wheelchair Whitetails, LLC and philanthropic endeavors with Challenge the Outdoors, Inc., Steve Nooyen, franchise owner, is actively involved with Global Brigades/Eskala — an international nonprofit that uniquely implements a holistic model to meet a community’s health and economic goals. Its model systematically builds community ownership and collaboratively executes programs with the end goal of sustainably evolving to a relationship of impact monitoring.

Through his involvement with Global Brigades/Eskala, Steve has traveled internationally to assess the needs of impoverished communities. In 2023, Steve will spearhead a trip — comprised of company employees and their guests — to Tegucigalpa, Honduras, to provide medical relief for poverty-stricken areas.


This partnership with Global Brigades/Eskala is a direct extension of our organizational Core Value: Love (v). Steve’s ongoing involvement globally and his active role in coordinating volunteer trips internationally help to advance our Core Purpose “to teach others about Love (v).” Through persistent, selfless efforts like this, more people around the world are being awakened to the power of love in action.