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Senior man with cane caregiver

Veteran Home Care

This program is for Veterans who need personal care services and help with activities of daily living, and more. Please reach out to a VA Social Worker for more information. If you are not apart of the VA Network please call your local VA Clinic.


What Services Can You Get?

Services are based in assessment needs. Examples include an aide coming to your home several times a week. Other services include:


  • Nutrition & Cooking
  • Getting Dressed & Personal Care
  • Moving safely in & out of the home
  • Homemaker & Respite Services
  • and more!

There are typically 2 different tracks you will follow depending on where you already are in the process

Track 1: Veteran is already approved for VA service and wants to use Home Instead
  • Contact your Social Worker at the VA Clinic where your VA Physician is located
  • Inform the Social that you would like for your HHA Services to be moved from current provider to Home Instead
  • The VA Social Worker will begin the approval process
  • Once Home Instead receives approval from the VA office, we will reach out to you to schedule an RN Assessment to initiate the start of services with Home Instead.
Track 2: Veteran is new to start the process
  • Review VA Clinic locations
  • Contact the closest VA Clinic to you to access your VA Community Network benefits
  • Inform the VA clinic that you are a veteran and would like to establish primary care VA physician
  • Set up an appointment with this physician
  • During your appointment, inform the Physician that you are requesting Homemaker & Home Health Aide Service through Home Instead
  • Your new VA Physician's Social Worker will begin the approval process
  • Once Home Instead receives approval from the VA office, we will reach out to you to schedule an RN Assessment to initiate the start of services with Home Instead.

  • Contact your Social Worker at the VA Clinic where your VA Physician is located
  • Inform the Social that you would like for your HHA Services to be moved from current provider to Home Instead
  • The VA Social Worker will begin the approval process
  • Once Home Instead receives approval from the New Orleans VA office, we will reach out to you to schedule an RN Assessment to initiate the start of services with Home Instead.

  • Review VA Clinic locations
  • Contact the closest VA Clinic to you to access your VA Community Network benefits
  • Inform the VA clinic that you are a veteran and would like to establish primary care VA physician
  • Set up an appointment with this physician
  • During your appointment, inform the Physician that you are requesting Homemaker& Home Health Aide Service through Home Instead
  • Your new VA Physician’s Social Worker will begin the approval process
  • Once Home Instead receives approval from your local VA office, we will reach out to you to schedule an RN Assessment to initiate the start of services with Home Instead.

  • Yes. Please call our office at (501) 758-7340