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Orleans and Jefferson Parishes (Change Location)

Jan 18, 2024

Home Instead Delivers Joy With 2023 Be a Santa to a Senior Program in New Orleans

Written By: Home Instead of New Orleans, LA
Home Instead Delivers Joy With 2023 Be a Santa to a Senior Program in New Orleans

Thanks to our generous community, our 2023 Be a Santa to a Senior program was a resounding success. We were able to hand out 1500 gifts to seniors around the Greater New Orleans area.

A huge thank you to the hospitals, individuals, church groups, businesses and so many more who take part in this amazing outreach program! We wish you could see the smiles of the seniors just because someone took the time to think of them and buy them a Christmas gift.

Home Instead Delivers Joy With 2023 Be a Santa to a Senior Program in New Orleans collage

Though Be a Santa to a Senior may be over for this year, we will continue to host events and programs for our elder community throughout 2024 so stay tuned! We are committed to making our senior community feel appreciated while providing the best home care in New Orleans, LA.

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