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Care Professional Awards & Recognition

At Home Instead®, our success revolves around the work of our Care Professionals – and we make sure they know it! We celebrate Care Pros year-round through: notes of appreciation, recognition in our employee newsletter, flowers, extra time off, and even impromptu office parties.

Do You Know Someone With A Caring Heart?

We all have that someone who is a natural born caregiver. If you know a friend or family member that would make an outstanding Care Pro, someone who would easily receive a standing ovation from Home Instead, please share the career opportunity - we’d love to meet them!

Jenne C. - July 2024 Care Pro of the Month

Jenne CGoM July 2024

Per Service Coordinator Savannah, “Jenne is so wonderful at her job. She makes every client she’s with feel so special and cared for. She has such a genuine heart and we love and appreciate everything she does for us and her clients. This company is blessed and overjoyed to have her!” CONGRATS Jenne!


Jose A. - July 2024 Care Pro of the Month

Jose CGoM July 2024

Per Service Coordinator Megan, “Jose is always so pleasant to talk to. He always has the most wonderful things to say about his clients and is always willing to jump in and go the extra mile. We get many compliments from his clients on what an excellent job he does. We are very lucky to have him!” CONGRATS Jose!


Linda S. - June 2024 Care Pro of the Month

Linda CGoM June 2024

Per Recruitment Coordinator Cierra, “ Linda is a very fun and gifted Care Pro. She is absolutely in the right line of work and we as a company, as well as her clients and their families, are very fortunate to have her on the team. Furthermore, she’s extremely reliable, has not yet missed a day of work since she has been with the company, and that is crucial in making sure her clients receive stable and seamless care. Thanks for all you do, Linda!”

Sonja S. - June 2024 Care Pro of the Month

Sonja CGoM June 2024

Per Service Manager Nikki, “Sonja has consistently gone above and beyond in delivering exceptional care to our clients. No matter what the care is, or where the client is, she jumps in to ensure our clients are well cared for and pours her heart into every shift she works. We are lucky to have Sonja as part of the Home Instead Family! Thank you for all you do Sonja!”

Katerina K. - May 2024 Care Pro of the Month

Katerina CGoM May 2024

Service Manager Nikki states, “Katerina embodies the essence of excellence through her unwavering commitment and tireless efforts. Her dedication to providing exceptional care goes above and beyond expectations, touching the lives of those she serves with compassion and empathy. As she navigates each task with grace and humility, her impact resonates throughout the workplace, inspiring others to strive for greatness. Her nomination for Care Pro of the Month is a testament to her outstanding work ethic and genuine desire to make a difference in the lives of others.”

Deborah W. - May 2024 Care Pro of the Month

Deborah CGoM May 2024

Service Coordinator Megan states, “Debbie is a wonderful Care Professional! She is always putting her client’s needs before her own and is willing to help out wherever she can. I know she is cherished by not only the office, but her client as well. I know that we can rely on her to always go above and beyond, while keeping the office informed with what is going on in the home. Thank you Debbie for all you do for your client, and for the incredible rapport you have kept with the office. We appreciate you!”

Christopher - April 2024 Care Pro of the Month

Christopher CGoM April 2024

Per Service Manager Nikki, “Christopher is an amazing Care Professional who goes above and beyond for his clients. Chris takes pride in the work he does and many clients have praised his name for how compassionate and proactive he can be. It has been a joy to see the bonds he has built with his clients and the lives he has enhanced with the care he has provided.” Clients that Christopher has worked with have called to request him be in their schedules more and give nothing but great feedback on the care he provides. He is a wonderful addition to our team!

Monica - April 2024 Care Pro of the Month

Monica CGoM April 2024

Monica’s clients say that she is truly dedicated to her work and goes out of her way to ensure that her clients are truly comfortable with her. Her clients absolutely love and enjoy her and has made the process of receiving care such an wonderful experience. They say she is very easy to get along with and that makes receiving care that much easier.  Per Service Coordinator Michelle, “Monica is such a hardworking Care Pro and I never have to worry about the quality of care she will provide and always receive great feedback from her clients. She is such a great addition to the team and we value her greatly!”


Lakeshia C. - March 2024 Care Pro of the Month

Lakeshia CGoM March 2024

Service Manager Nikki says, “Lakeshia is loved amongst all her clients’ and their families. We know when Lakeshia is working with our clients’ that they are getting the best care possible. Lakeshia has gone above and beyond her duties to ensure her clients are taken care of. She is a good communicator, detail oriented, and very hard working! We are lucky to have her as part of the Home Instead family!” Service Coordinator Michelle says, “Lakeshia is a wonderful CarePro who puts her clients needs above her own. She is devoted to ensuring that her clients get the most out of each of her shifts. Lakeshia adapts to each client smoothly and they all greatly appreciate her devotion, attention to detail, and big heart!”

Amber S. - March 2024 Care Pro of the Month

Amber CGoM March 2024

Google review from one of Amber’s Clients, “My caregiver Amber, should get awarded for her proficiency and professional daily attitude while caring for me. Her, “can-do-effort“ while remembering to do all required of her per her Home Instead training is most admirable. Please hire more like her.” Service Coordinator Michelle adds, “Amber is such a compassionate and sweet CarePro who truly cares about her clients. She puts in so much hard work to ensure her clients are taken care of. She has bonded so well with her clients and they all enjoy her companionship and effort she puts in the home. When her clients call, they have nothing but good things to say about her!”

Russalena R. - February 2024 Care Pro of the Month

Russalena Feb 2024 CPoM

Per Service Manager Nikki and Service Coordinator Matt, “Russalena has been a fantastic caregiver since she started with us. Everywhere that she goes she leaves her client impressed and well cared for. No matter what goes on Russalena jumps at the chance to help out and is very dedicated to her clients. Russalena is very dependable and always willing to help in a pinch all the T1 staffers are happy to have her in our territory.” One of her client’s daughter quotes” She is like family and the bond she has built with my mother is beyond special.”

Georgine A. - February 2024 Care Pro of the Month

Georgine CGoM February 2024

Daughter of Georgine’s Client says, “Georgine is a very creative caregiver, she is thoughtful and caring. An example of how creative she is in her care is one time she took a tray of ice cream to my mother in bed.” Anne shared that Georgine is so clever and thinks outside of the box to ensure that her clients receive the best care possible. She explained how kind and compassionate Georgine is.
Per Service Coordinator Michelle, “Georgine is a truly special CarePro. When I send her to clients, I know she shows up knowing that this is more than just a job. She brings her whole heart into every home she enters. I have never once doubted how much she cares for her clients!”

Aracely O. - January 2024 Care Pro of the Month

Aracely CGoM January 2024 (Mesa Office)

Per Nikki, “Aracely is an amazing Care Pro who really gives it her all during every shift! We know when she is working with our clients they are getting the best care! Aracely is hardworking, dedicated, and puts her heart into every shift she works. No matter what client she goes to, even when she is jumping in to help out with only one shift, they ALWAYS request for her to come back because how amazing she is! We are lucky to have her be a part of our Home Instead

Mary Ellen B. - January 2024 Care Pro of the Month

Mary Ellen CGoM January 2024 (Sun Lakes)

Per Patricia, “Mary Ellen has gone above and beyond with every client we have put her with. She has been accommodating moving her plans to ensure that her clients are cared for, as well as been in great communication with the office when needing to report what is going on in the home, ensuring that her clients receive the best possible care. She is always open to new training and feedback to better herself and grow herself as a Care Professional. Mary Ellen is a wonderful example of what Home Instead strives to deliver.”

2023 Care Professionals of the Year - Rose S. & Jeff B.

2023 Care Pros of the Year - Rose S. & Jeff B.

Rose and Jeff are both exceptional Care Professionals who embody the Home Instead values of Building Trust, Taking the Lead, and Sharing their Hearts.

Thank you for all you do! It is an honor to have such wonderful caregivers as a part of our Home Instead Mesa & Sun Lakes, AZ Family!

Elizabeth M. - December 2023 Care Pro of the Month

Elizabeth - December CPoM - Sun Lakes Office

Family members of Elizabeth’s client state,“ Elizabeth does such a great job with granny around the home! She is really a great addition to her care and is excellent in everything she does! We are so happy to have her help each week!”

Per Service Coordinator Michelle,” Elizabeth’s heart is truly in it and that reflects on the care she provides to her clients.”

Jayden L. - December 2023 Care Pro of the Month

Jayden CGoM December 2023 (Mesa)

Per Service Coordinator, Megan, “Jayden is always so pleasant to speak with anytime we call her.  She is always willing to go the extra mile for her clients to make sure that they are very well taken care of.  Her positive attitude and willingness to always help is such an asset to our Home Instead family.  We are very lucky to have her!”

Robin - November 2023 Care Pro of the Month (Sun Lakes Office)

Robin - November CPoM - Sun Lakes Office

Client says,” Robin is my lifesaver! She is here for me whenever I need her and I don’t know what I would do without her!” Service Coordinator Megan says,“ Robin is incredibly reliable and truly cares about her clients. She has great communication with the office in regard to any client updates and is always quick to help them out when they need her. We are very lucky to have her!”

Mary - November 2023 Care Pro of the Month (Mesa Office)

Mary CGoM November 2023 (Mesa)

Client’s Daughter says, “ My mom enjoys time with Mary, they have a good time together. She always brightens the day and keeps things fun.” Service Coordinator Cierra says,” Mary is very dear to me. I have known her since the day of her interview with Home Instead and was certain we’d found the right match for our team and I was spot on– She works her way into hearts and homes with her caring touch, upbeat attitude, and spunky sense of humor.” Thank you, Mary!

Samantha - October 2023 Care Pro of the Month (Sun Lakes Office)

Samantha CGoM October 2023 (Sun Lakes Office)

Client quote, “Samantha is absolutely adored by the entire family. She is the CarePro that has been with them the longest and she is truly a part of the family. Whatever my parents need, she knows exactly how to make it happen.” Service Coordinator Megan states, “Samantha is extremely reliable and truly loved by her clients. She goes above and beyond to make sure that they are getting the absolute best care possible.” THANK YOU!!

Veronica - October 2023 Care Pro of the Month (Mesa Office)

Veronica CGoM October 2023 (Mesa)

Per CL Daughter: “Oh my goodness… Veronica is so caring, dependable beyond words, and has a gentle kindness that honors my mom so well.” Per Service Coordinator Cierra: “Veronica is amazing. I think very highly of her and would trust her to care for my own family without hesitation. I think we are very lucky to have her on our team!”  Thank you, Veronica!

Juliane - September 2023 Care Pro of the Month (Sun Lakes Office)

Juliane CGoM September 2023 (Mesa Office)

Client Care Lead Megan states, “Juli is just amazing! We receive nothing but wonderful feedback from EVERY client we send her to. She goes above and beyond and we are so lucky to have her on the team!” Michelle states, “It is fascinating to see someone that can just walk into a home and instantly fit in and get the job done to the highest degree. Thank you, Juli!”

Christine - September 2023 Care Pro of the Month (Mesa Office)

Christine CGoM September 2023 (Mesa)

According to Christine’s client, “She is exceptional! Does everything I need right away and never needs told twice. She is very kind and conscientious too.” Per Cierra, “Christine is amazing. I always enjoy interacting with her, so I can only imagine how much the clients enjoy having her in their homes. She’s very caring, smart, professional – and all the other traits that make one a great Care Pro!”

Jennifer - August 2023 Care Pro of the Month (Sun Lakes Office)

Jennifer CGoM August 2023 (Mesa Office)

Per Megan, “Jennifer is always willing to go the extra mile for her clients to make sure that all of their needs are met. She is always a pleasure to talk to and I know that her clients feel the same way. We are very lucky to have her.” Per Office Manager Patricia, “Jennifer has stood out since day one. She is always up to expanding her knowledge and never backs down from a challenge. I know that whatever client she accepts, she is going to take care of them with the utmost care and attention.”

Janae - August 2023 Care Pro of the Month (Mesa Office)

Janae CGoM August 2023 (Mesa)

Per Cierra: “Janae is such a team player! She is so quick to help out or be flexible with her schedule when asked. She works with a wide range of clients and can adapt to any client’s home and level of care. Most importantly, Janae is quick to call with updates on her clients and asks good questions. She always checks with office when faced with a tough judgment call to ensure she is doing the right thing for her clients and we really appreciate her for this. We are very fortunate to have her on the team.”

Angela - July 2023 Care Pro of the Month (Sun Lakes Office)

Angela CGoM July 2023 (Mesa Office)

Per Service Lead Megan, “Angela is always willing to go the extra mile for any client we have sent her to. She is very dedicated to providing the best care she can and is always willing to help when we need her.” Per client’s daughter, “What can I say, her name fits her personality. She is just an angel. She gives me piece of mind knowing my parents are well taken care of. She is so sweet with my mother and has helped get my father to all of his many appointments and procedures. She is just absolutely wonderful.”

Kelsey - July 2023 Care Pro of the Month (Mesa Office)

Kelsey CGoM July 2023 (Mesa)

Per client’s daughter, “Oh my goodness, Kelsey’s kindness is what stands out to us. She is so genuinely caring, loving, thoughtful, dependable… she’s just really a special soul.” Per Service Lead Cierra, “Kelsey is an outstanding Care Pro. She’s always there for her client, always on time, and always keeps in touch with the office. We are lucky to have her!” Office Manager Patricia adds, “She won a flat screen tv at one of the caregiver Christmas parties! I remember being so excited because she deserved it.”

Jeanne - June 2023 Care Pro of the Month (Sun Lakes Office)

Jeanne CGoM June 2023 (Mesa Office)

Jeanne F began with Home Instead November of 2022. Client’s daughter states, “She puts me at ease because I know my parents are well taken care of. She treats my parents like family.” Service Coordinator Matt states, “Jeanne is a wonderful care pro; she is truly passionate about helping seniors, is dependable, and always ready to go the extra mile.”

Rose - June 2023 Care Pro of the Month (Mesa Office)

Rose CGoM June 2023 (Mesa)

Rose became part of the Home Instead family October 2014. Client’s daughter states, “Rose has been working with my dad since he first started receiving care, almost a decade ago! She’s developed her care to fit his needs as they changed. I am glad she’s receiving this recognition and I hope many praises come with it; she is very deserving.” Service Lead Cierra states, “Rose is the definition of ‘caring’. She is truly a beautiful person and we are lucky to have her.”

Donna - May 2023 Care Pro of the Month (Sun Lakes Office)

Donna CGoM May 2023 (Mesa Office)

Service Lead Megan states, “If I need help with anything, I call Donna first! She is typically booked up with all the clients that request her, but she is very accommodating to ensure clients have the care they need.” Clients know that when Donna is coming to care for them, they have nothing to worry about. Everything is taken care of to the upmost standard. When Donna is not working with clients, she enjoys cooking Italian food, bowling, playing golf, and volunteering her time at no kill shelters. ~CONGRATS DONNA!~

Tina - May 2023 Care Pro of the Month (Mesa Office)

Tina CGoM May 2023 (Mesa)

Service Lead Cierra states, “Tina is an absolute gem and we are very lucky to have her. She cares deeply for her clients and the feeling is definitely mutual. Her clients never stop singing her praises!” Client contact says, “Tina is just wonderful. She’s thorough, caring, and always on time. My wife loves her and asks me about 50 times between her shifts ‘when is Tina coming back.’” When Tina is not with a client, she enjoys church, walking, music, reading, and socializing with friends and family. ~CONGRATS

Ruth Ann - April 2023 Care Pro of the Month (Sun Lakes Office)

Ruth Ann CGoM April 2023 (Mesa Office)

Ruth Ann is originally from Arizona. She joined the Home Instead team in October of 2022 and has been taking great care of her clients ever since! Service Coordinator Lead Megan states, “Ruth Ann is a wonderful Care Pros and wonderful person. She shows every day how much she cares about her client’s, and they absolutely adore her. She is reliable and always willing to help whenever she can. We are very lucky to have her!”

Harold - April 2023 Care Pro of the Month (Mesa Office)

Harold CGoM April 2023 (Mesa)

Harold is originally from Ohio. He joined Home Instead in June of 2021. Service Coordinator Michelle states, “He is an amazing Care Pro and loved everywhere he is sent.” His client states that he is so thorough with everything. He says that he couldn’t be happier (and his house couldn’t smell cleaner) because of everything Harold does. He states Harold is “one of the best, if not the best, employee we have.”

Phyllis - March 2023 Care Pro of the Month (Sun Lakes Office)

Phyllis CGoM March 2023 (Mesa Office)

Phillis joined the Home Instead team in March of 2019 and has been taking great care of her clients ever since. One client’s daughter states, “It’s always a good day when Phillis is here. She is kind, caring, engaging, a good friend to my mom, lovely, calming and just a blessing.” Service Coordinator Andrea says, “She is helpful and willing to go above and beyond to help our clients out.” We are so grateful to have her on our team!

Abamilki - March 2023 Care Pro of the Month (Mesa Office)

Abamilki CGoM March 2023 (Mesa)

Abamilki is originally from Ethiopia. He has been on our team since August of 2022. Lead Service Coordinator Cierra states, “When Ahmed joined the team, he jumped in with both feet and has done pretty much anything we’ve asked of him – he has worked with a variety of clients and makes a great impression anywhere he goes. He is an incredibly accommodating Care Pro and clients are instantly comfortable around him. I think Home instead is very lucky to call him one of our own.”

Kelly - February 2023 Care Pro of the Month (Sun Lakes Office)

Kelly CGoM February 2023 (Mesa Office)

Kelly is from Fresno, California and joined the Home Instead family in July of 2022. One of her clients states, “She is so observant and takes it upon herself to figure out what we need. She is so sweet and has such a calming nature. We just love her to pieces!” Lead Service Coordinator Megan states, “Kelly is always so pleasant and willing to help whenever and wherever she can. Her clients absolutely adore her and she is such an asset here!”

Kay - February 2023 Care Pro of the Month (Mesa Office)

Kay CGoM February 2023 (Sun Lakes)

Kay is from Minnesota and joined Home Instead in April of 2016. Her client states, “Kay is such a terrific person to have in our home, she has a caring way about her. She deserves this recognition.” Lead Service Coordinator Cierra says, “Kay is absolutely in the right profession. She is skilled, caring, empathetic, and fun to be around. Clients love her – perhaps too much. I often have multiple people who all want her the same day! But it’s a good problem to have, she makes our clients happy.”  

Jeff - January 2023 Care Pro of the Month (Sun Lakes Office)

Jeff CGoM January 2023 (Mesa Office)

Jeff joined the Home Instead team in January of 2019. The spouse of his client states, “Jeff is a super advocate for his clients and all of their care needs. He knows the routine and can jump in and do whatever is needed without needing to ask any questions. He is always smiley and so pleasant to be around. He is simply indispensable!” Service Coordinator Megan states, “Jeff has such a huge heart and gives his everything to any client he goes to. He constantly goes above and beyond and we are SO FORTUNATE to have him as a part of our Home Instead Family!!

Petra - January 2023 Care Pro of the Month (Mesa Office)

Petra CGoM January 2023 (Sun Lakes)

Petra is originally from the Federated States of Micronesia. She joined the Home Instead team in October of 2021 and has been taking great care of her clients ever since. Service Coordinator Michelle states, “Petra is truly a wonderful care professional and is so helpful everywhere we send her. She is always so willing to help and puts her whole heart into each and every client’s home she goes into. Petra is an amazing care professional and such a big help to us and her clients!”

2022 Care Professionals of the Year - Clara P. & Margaret K.

2022 Care Pros of the Year - Clara P. & Margaret K.

Margaret and Clara are both exceptional Care Professionals who embody the Home Instead values of Building Trust, Taking the Lead, and Sharing their Hearts. Margaret stated it best when she said, “To serve people is to serve our Lord and that is what I was put on this earth to do.”

Thank you for all you do! It is an honor to have such wonderful caregivers as a part of our Home Instead Mesa & Sun Lakes, AZ Family!