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Apr 15, 2024

Care Professional of the Month - February 2024

Written By: Brian Lahm for Home Instead of Clearwater
February 2024 Care Pro of the Month Heather Still

Heather Embraces the Challenges of Dementia Care

Home Instead® client Nancy had Alzheimer’s disease, and many of the people who had tried to take care of her couldn’t handle the situation. Enter Home Instead Care Professional of the Month Heather Still, who is known for a compassionate touch with dementia clients.

“You have to understand conditions such as dementia, plus mental disorders. In my experience,” Heather said, “dementia seems to be more common than it was years ago. Maybe it’s because people are living longer, and the baby boomer wave is peaking.” In fact, more than 12,000 Americans will turn age 65 every day this year, according to experts. That’s about 4.3 million people this year, and 4 million more than each of the next three years. Estimates are that about 5.8 million Americans have Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.

“Those who have dementia don’t understand what is happening to them. They have to try to adapt to their new world, and they are confused and frustrated. They need help,” said Heather, who was honored as a Care Pro of the Month by her award-winning Home Instead franchise in Clearwater, Florida, more than three years after joining the company.

Although this is Heather’s first professional senior-care job, she pointed out that senior care was modeled for her when she was a young girl. Taking those cues, Heather helped as a young family caregiver. She said, “I am very blessed with a good family.”

“I watched Aunt Ethel take care of some of my family’s senior loved ones. My paternal grandmother died in her late 90s. She was active in her 80s and early 90s. She was very independent. My mom’s uncles lived nearby, and we helped them. I enjoy helping other seniors, whether it is during my job or for family, friends and acquaintances,” said the New York native who grew up in Southampton.

Even now, Heather is serving as the family caregiver for her 77-year-old mother, a widow since Heather’s father died in 2007. “Mom is not in the best of health. I have had experience taking care of her before I joined Home Instead. She has had some emotional challenges, and I have learned how to help people who face such challenges. Mom has lots of medical appointments, and I go with her and fully understand what needs to be done to take care of her.”

Compassion and empathy always have been the cornerstones of Heather’s personality and value system. “I love all of the innocents, especially those who are vulnerable, and that includes children, seniors and animals. Everyone should have a compassionate spirit. That quality was modeled for me at an early age. We always had a fair amount of family around who helped others or needed help,” said Heather, who has also worked as a daycare teacher.

When Heather first applied for the Home Instead position, she was living in the Orlando area, but she moved to Pinellas County and was hired by franchise owner Julie Castle’s office. “I fell in love with the office staff. It was definitely meant to be,” Heather said. “Since I love seniors, I get attached quickly and get close to my clients. I have lost a few clients. My sister is a registered nurse who works for a hospice organization, and she has shared her insight. I’ve learned a lot about the process of dying. For sure, a professional needs to provide comfort but at the same time keep a handle on our own emotional state.”

Heather said she’s been “very fortunate” with her client matches that have been provided by the Home Instead office staff.

“I’ve been assisting Ms. Barbara for the past two years on Mondays and Wednesdays. I have grown close to her and her family, and we have a good routine. She wants to go shopping and get her nails dome. It’s what she calls ‘a spa day.’ It makes her happy. She needs a walker, cane and supplemental oxygen. For the restaurant, we go to McDonald’s. She loves the Happy Meals with a cheeseburger, fries and a Coke,” Heather said. “Another client, Mr. L., has had his challenges after suffering a neck injury. He is an incredible person.”

All Home Instead Care Professionals are screened, trained and insured. For inquiries about employment, please call (727) 799-1400 or apply online. For further information about Home Instead, visit our website.

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