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Sep 30, 2021

What Is Hospice Care?


As our loved ones grow older, there are a variety of needs that previously weren’t there before. This of course includes specialized health care. One arm of senior healthcare that you probably have heard about is hospice care. Hospice care in Lafayette, LA, is delivered by your leading healthcare org, Home Instead. We understand that each person deserves and needs individualized care, instead of a cookie-cutter health plan. If your loved one is in need of hospice care, read on to find out what to expect and how to help you prepare. 

What is Hospice Care?

Many think of one situation when discussing hospice care, however, hospice care can be applied to a few different situations. Typically most family members may think of hospice care only in the situation where someone only has a few days or weeks left to live. While this is definitely one aspect of hospice care, it is not the only one. Other situations include when an individual may decide to forgo treatment at prolonging life as they are ready to rest at home and be with family. Another scenario is when someone has been given six months or less to live. They may then decide to transition to hospice.

Learn more about the differences between hospice care and palliative care here.

Who is Hospice Available to?

Traditionally hospice care was once considered only for adults struggling to fight cancer. However, it is open to almost everyone with various illnesses and sicknesses. Babies, children, and adolescents are typically eligible to have this care as well. Of course, it is more common to hear of a more elder patient needing hospice than someone who is younger, although it certainly exists.

What Can I Expect with Hospice?

There are so many aspects that are covered with hospice care, and many of these services are available to you right here in Lafayette, LA. Some of the things covered included:

  • Medication or pain relief
  • Visits and service from your care team
  • Grief counseling, both to patient and family
  • Dietary counseling
  • Physical and occupational therapy
  • Needed medical equipment
  • And more

What isn’t Covered in Hospice Care?

There are a couple of things that are not covered in hospice care that may relate to your care. Treatments for your illness or medication for other medical issues are not covered. Any kind of Emergency care that leads to an ER visit would not be considered. Finally, accommodations or nursing home room and board costs are also not considered in hospice care.

Patient First

As a patient, your healthcare specialists meet you where you are and where you would like to be. This can include a private residence, hospital setting or even a nursing home. The needs and desires are always considered, as outlined in your assessment and communication. Questions that will be considered to the patient can include where they would like to be, if they would want a feeding tube, how they would like to be hydrated, what medicine they would like to be administered, etc. This will help guarantee all of the needs and desires of the patients are met.

Your Hospice Care in Lafayette, LA

There is only one place to look when it comes to comprehensive hospice care in Lafayette, LA, and surrounding areas for your family and loved ones: Home Instead. Our seasoned healthcare providers have been trained specifically on how to provide the best care for those in vulnerable and timely situations.

Our main goal is to make sure our patients and their families feel comfortable, peaceful and cared for during this difficult time. We know no patient needs are the same across the board, and we are committed to a personalized plan based on each one’s needs. Contact our team for an assessment and we will make sure to deliver the care your loved one deserves. 

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