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Jul 01, 2021

Seniors Age Better at Home

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Aging, as some great philosophers might say, is as unavoidable as taxes or the change of the seasons. Though we might try to avoid it and keep it from happening at all costs, eventually we too age and become seniors in need of elderly care services. There are many ways to age these days, and not all of them involve shuffling your older loved one to an assisted living community. As aging in place continues to gain popularity, alternatives such as senior home care will as well.

Aside from the reduced or more efficient expense profile, in home senior care has a whole host of benefits that are much more suited for the modern world. When you investigate the top reasons why you should consider in home senior care, we think you'll come to the conclusion that it's one of the better options for your older loved one.

It's Gaining Popularity

As with anything in life, things become easier to do and more widely available when they gain in popularity. The senior population will soon double. The Population Reference Bureau projects that in 2060 nearly 100 million Americans will be 65 or older, and all of these people will need to figure out the best way to take care of themselves or have their guardians choose for them. Because of the internet, podcasts, and a wide variety of media sources, more people know about in home senior care than ever before. Instead of choosing the "traditional route" of hospital stays or assisted living, people are now aware that their older loved ones have the choice to stay at home with a high level of care.

Stay Social, Recover Better

When you pursue in home senior care instead of the traditional alternatives, you can be making a powerful choice to stay social and engaged with the world while receiving high quality healthcare. Not only can your friends and other acquaintances still visit you, but family members, especially younger children, need not worry about running afoul of the constrictive and sterile rules that are in place in many hospitals or assisted living facilities. When you're in your own private home, you make the rules.

It has often been studied that seniors who receive healthcare in their home tend to recover faster and have better morale than those in other environments. No matter whether you're battling a chronic condition or trying to get over a temporary illness, you can benefit immensely from these positives instead of having to be relegated to a windowless room somewhere.

Control Your Healthcare

The unfortunate aspect of being in a facility of any kind (instead of your own home) is that you are at the whims of whatever medical authority dictates. While we encourage you to always follow medical advice when receiving in home senior care, there is something to be said about having control over your healthcare decisions. If you find that there is a more comfortable or expedient way to do things for your older loved one, you have that choice when they reside in their own private home. If they like to sleep in and deal with medical issues later in the day, they are no longer at the mercy of healthcare professionals who are on a tight schedule. Having control over your healthcare can be a wonderful thing.

One Call is All it Takes

Instead of having to go the conventional route of putting an older loved one in a hospital or assisted living facility, you should be aware that there are lots more options today than there have ever been. In home senior care is rising in popularity all the time and the concept of aging in place only gains more widespread acceptance as it filters through society. Aside from being practical and less expensive, in home senior care allows for your older loved ones to experience all the benefits of healthcare while remaining in a comfortable and familiar environment. This can improve recovery times, boost morale, and allow your family to have frequent access to them when they want. When you're ready to have quality healthcare at home, contact Home Instead to learn more about what could be best for you.

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