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Jackson and West Tennessee (Change Location)

Jun 01, 2021

CAREGiver Cornerstone Story - 2nd Quarter 2021

Written By: Brian Lahm for Home Instead of Jackson
Alexis Johnson Cornerstone CGQT2 June 2021 Photo 2 COMP

Alexis’ Clients Cheer as She Receives Award

Home Instead® client Richard and his wife Susan were beaming during a recent special presentation at their home where Alexis Johnson was honored as the Jackson franchise’s CAREGiver Cornerstone for the second quarter of 2021. Susan said, “Richard and I were thrilled when Alexis received the award. She does so much for us every weekday. We are so blessed to have Alexis helping Richard. She deserves this award, and we’re very proud for her. Congrats to our Alexis!”

Service Coordinator John Simpson, who made the presentation on behalf of the award-winning Home Instead franchise owned by Bryson and Linda McQuiston, said: “Alexis is one of the most dependable and compassionate CAREGivers I have ever seen. She never calls out, is always on time and cares for her clients on a personal level. That is the Home Instead way, with one of our mottos being ‘To us, it’s personal.’

Home Instead Service Coordinator John Simpson with CAREGiver Alexis Johnson

John added: “If you had the chance to observe Alexis on a shift, you would see she is attentive to her client at all times. She makes sure he is safe and assists with transfers while also walking with him as he rides his electric wheelchair around the neighborhood. We’re incredibly thankful to have Alexis. She demonstrates Home Instead’s guiding principles of building trust, taking the lead and sharing her heart. I would emphasize she ‘especially’ shares her heart. It’s seeing these types of relationships that sets Home Instead apart. By making client-CAREGiver matches, we set up our clients and CAREGivers for success and lifelong friendships.”

Alexis joined Home Instead in July 2020 after finding the franchise online during a search of Jackson jobs. She said: “My story is that I just love working for Home Instead. They are so good to me, and I love working for my clients. I love to help the elderly. I love to help the elderly walk and play games. I enjoy making them food, sitting outside with them, helping them get clean and just in general making them happy. There is a lot more, but it would take a lot of time to detail it all. The bottom line is making their day better.”

Pointing out she was a family caregiver before she began working for Home Instead, Alexis said: “I have always worked with the elderly in my family, helping them with whatever they needed. I helped my daddy before he got sick, and I helped take care of my grandmother.”

Alexis emphasizes that her Home Instead clients are like family. “One of my clients just recently had a stroke and was not able to walk or feed himself, so my favorite part is seeing his progress and being part of it. He is beginning to walk again and get around.”

She added: “Also I work for Richard, who has Alzheimer’s. My favorite part of the shift is seeing his desire to go outside and walk and then asking what is for supper.”

Home Instead Operations Manager Mike Murphy said: “Alexis has been a great blessing to her clients. Alexis was relatively inexperienced when she came aboard and has blossomed during the past year. Alexis is still with some of her very first clients with whom she started. She immediately became like family to them. She’s been with Richard since the second week of her Home Instead employment.”

John pointed out: “Our office mission statement is ‘Delivering exceptional service in every single experience,’ and CAREGivers such as Alexis make that possible. Thanks for all you do, Alexis, and for helping serve others so well. We are blessed to have you part of our team!”

All Home Instead CAREGivers are screened, trained, bonded and insured. For inquiries about employment, please call (731) 984-7062 or apply online. For further information about Home Instead, visit our website.

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