The Care Professional Achievement Plan


The development of the Home Instead Care Professional Achievement Plan has been designed to encourage professional and personal growth. With that, it also provides a roadmap for financial growth. Below you will find an overview of the Achievement Plan from the point of Hire as a Care Professional through to Care Expert.


Overview of Achievement Plan


Hired as Care Pro:

  • Next, after 3 months and meeting all qualifications; promotion to Care Keeper
  • Then, after an additional 6 months and meeting all qualifications; promotion to Care Maker
  • Finally, after an additional 9 months and meeting all qualifications; promotion to Care Expert


Here is your Step-by-step guide for advancing from Care Professional through Care Expert


Care Professional Qualifications:

  • Hired as Care Professional
  • Must have successfully completed 2-day initial training
  • Must be available to work within stated availability at hire date

Care Keeper Qualifications:

  • Includes hourly wage raise
  • Must be employed with Home Instead for 3 months
  • Must have maintained agreed upon availability during the previous 90 days
  • Must be logged in to Empower and have completed the Sexual Harassment
  • Must have Certification of Completion of HISC Alzheimer’s/Dementia
  • Must be a Preferred Care Pro for 2 or more clients or equivalent status of long - term care with one or more clients. *
  • Must have a 15+ rating on your Care Pro Feedback form **
  • Must be proven as respectful and reliable during previous 90-day period:
    • Having 2 or less call offs (with less than 24 hours notice)
    • and 2 or less late arrivals (five or more minutes after scheduled shift time)
    • and 2 or less early departures (without client confirmation)
    •  and 2 or less shift declines within agreed upon availability
    • and 2 or less declines within stated availability

Care Maker Qualifications:

  • Includes second hourly wage raise
  • Must be a qualified Care Keeper and be employed with Home Instead for 9 months or more and 6 months from Care Keeper promotion
  • Must have participated in or attended 2 or more relevant classes or meetings that contribute to professional growth equivalent to 4 hours. *provided through empower classes
  • Must be a Preferred Care Pro for 4 or more clients or have equivalent status of long -term care with one or more clients*
  • Must have an Evaluation rating of 15 + on your Care Pro Feedback form**
  • Must be proven as respectful and reliable during previous 9-month:
    • Having 4 or less call offs (with less than 24 hours notice)
    • and 4 or less late arrivals (five or more minutes after scheduled shift time)
    • and 4 or less early departures (without client confirmation)
    • and 4 or less declines within stated availability
    • Average 20 hours or more per week


Care Expert Qualifications:

  • Includes third hourly wage raise
  • Must be a qualified Care Maker and be employed by Home Instead for 18 months or longer and 9 months since previous promotion
  • Must have Certification of Completion of HISC Hospice
  • Must be a Preferred Care Pro for 6 clients or equivalent status of long - term care with one or more clients *
  • Must have a 15 + rating on your Care Pro feedback form 2 times **
  • Must be proven as respectful and reliable during previous 18-month period:
    • Having less than 8 call offs (with less than 24 hours notice)
    • and 6 or less late arrivals (five or more minutes after scheduled shift time)
    • and 6 or less early departures (without client confirmation)
    • and 4 or less declines within stated availability 
    • Average 30 or more hours a week

*These achievement levels are planned to be attained in the order listed. Each level is not a rolling time frame. Here are two examples of of how two different individuals may work their way through the Care stages.

Example: Sally the Care Pro was hired on March 1st, she had 3 call offs during her first 90 days. She will be eligible to begin the qualification process to become a Care Keeper again starting on June 1st with a possible promotion and raise on Sept 1st if she meets all qualifications.

Example: John the Care Pro became a Care Keeper on April 1st, then he declined 3 shifts during his Home Instead stated availability in the qualifying 9 months to become a Care Maker. He will be eligible to begin the qualification process to become a Care Maker starting December 1st, with a possible promotion and raise effective September 1st the following year.

  • If the plan is followed and each level achieved, it is possible to attain the Care Expert level after 18 months of employment at Home Instead.
  • Care Experts hourly wages will be reassessed on an individual basis upon his or her anniversary date. Assessments to be Based on continued previous Care Expert qualifications.

HISC 158 Inc reserves the right to modify this description in the future with or without notice.

* Preferred Care Pro status is attained when a client identifies a Care Pro as his or her preferred Care Pro.

** Care Pro feedback form is filled out at the time of coaching.


Bonnie is our Engagement and Training Coordinator. Her specialty is ensuring every Care Professional is empowered through training and continued coaching to have the confidence to take care of even our most high need clients. If you are interested in advancing through the Achievement Plan reach out to the office today and ask Bonnie how to get started.


Phone: (858) 277 – 3722




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