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Aug 06, 2021

Keep Track of Senior Celebrations

Written By: Home Instead
Aging man holds railing and cane while standing on front step of his home

We all know how great it feels when someone unexpectedly remembers our birthday, an anniversary or other important personal event. Since we were kids, we’ve probably had some of our happiest moments opening presents, receiving trophies and cheers — celebrating annual milestones and accomplishments with others.

For many older adults who live alone or have limited contact with family or friends, this joy of celebrating important dates with loved ones may fade over time. In fact, a 2020 study from a U.S. Health and Retirement study found that 43% of adults aged 60+ reported feeling lonely. And with the global population expected to age in the years to come, the issues of social isolation and loneliness will likely become even more common for seniors.

While we can’t solve these problems overnight, we can all do our part to connect with the aging population and let them know they matter – that they deserve to have their important dates celebrated.

Download the Senior Celebrations Event Tracker

To help you celebrate important dates, we’ve created a free printable senior celebrations tracker. Use this document to keep tabs on what is coming up — write notes about certain days — and make sure a senior’s special date is extra special for a change.

Why write it down? Here’s three good reasons why recording it will help:

  1. It’s unforgettably in your face – Much like a dry-erase fridge message, or a sticky-note on your computer, it’s hard to ignore and impossible to hit snooze on.
  2. Writing means remembering – Because writing improves the coding process of our brain, you have a far better chance of remembering a specific day or event when it’s on paper.
  3. User-error free – While digital calendars are handy, computer programs can often be complicated and hard to suit your needs. What’s easier than picking up a pen and writing what you want?

Tag @imreadytocare on social media and let us know how you’re using your tracker!

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